About UsJan
House and barn
The old homestead

Our Approach

Our mission is to raise happy, healthy, grass-fed bison in a low-stress environment. We have 50-plus bison:

  • two mature bulls
  • one 2-year-old bull
  • 27 cows
  • eight yearling heifers
  • four yearling bulls
  • 19 calves

Our goal is to maintain the herd at its current size and to process some bulls each year for the meat side of our business.

View our products and Price List.

Home on the Range

Work brought us to the Kansas City area, and a desire for space had us buying farm ground and building a house smack-dab in the middle of it. We decided to become bison ranchers (read Getting started), and bought our first small herd in 2014.

Meet the Team

Diversity is important to us. Below, you will see representatives of all those that live and work on the ranch.

Owners and children

Family-Owned and -Run

We All Pitch In

Hail, hail, the gang's all here! Clockwise from left: Greg, Dylan, Katherine, Kevin and Jan. Building fences, managing bison, cleaning chicken coops—this group does it all!

Ghosty Kitty

Ghosty Kitty

Resident Mouse Hunter

Ghosty Kitty is a calico cat. Her favorite pastime is trying to catch birds. She's a little more successful with mice.



Playful and Fun-Loving

Patches is our youngest dog. Our neighbor's Lab had pups, and we picked patches out to be Buddy's friend. She taught him how to play, and he taught her how to behave (mostly).

Herd bull


Our Herd Bull

Klemm came to the ranch from the Kansas Buffalo Association livestock auction in Salina, Kan., in December 2014. Weighing in at 955 lb when he was 18 months old, he has grown a lot since arriving. There's no doubt that he is king of the pasture.

Bison Cow


One of Our Cows

This pretty girl is one of the first 12 heifers we brought home from the Custer State Park bison auction in November 2014. She was a yearling in 2014 and gave us our first calf (right) in 2016.



First Calf

Almost a yearling, this young heifer was born April 3, 2015, the first of five calves—four heifers and one bull—that were born on the ranch.

Empty Plate

Apollo and Mercury

Playful Pups

We adopted two, 3-month-old puppies during a Regina's Rescues adoption-day event at the Paola Family Center store. Apollo is the most energetic (and noisiest). Mercury, or Merc as we call him, is more laid back and loves to get his tummy rubbed.


Rhode Island Red

Laying Hen

One of nine Rhode Island Red (Little Red Hen?) laying hens.


Buff Orpington

Laying Hen

One of four Buff Orpington hens.

Next Steps...

Learn more about the ranch, country living and a variety of topics at our blog.