30 Years and Counting

Kevin and I are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this week. That sounds really impressive until you hear that one couple in our church celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary last year. I’m not sure my husband and I will live long enough to hit 75 years together, but we intend to try. Every relationship requires…

We Remember…and Give Thanks

Kevin and I both have had relatives that have served in the military. One of my uncles served in the Army in World War II. Another earned an Army silver star in Korea. My dad enlisted in peace time, and was stationed in Germany. Kevin served in the Air Force and Air National Guard, and…

The best-laid plans….

The best-laid schemes o’ mice and men gang aft agley.—from “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns There’s always work to be done on the farm.  Kevin and I frequently start the day by asking each other, “What do you want to do today?” Recently, the plan of the day included reconstructing the corral that we…